I am an experience designer and strategist 
fostering dialogue between technology and people.

Dans La Rue: Bay Area Maker Faire 2010

The Maker Faire is like an engineer's craft show on acid. There's dudes riding around in go-carts that look like cupcakes, sixty-year-olds playing Jules Verne in the Steam Punk pavilion and lots of fire. This first video features Mark Galt's intoxicating "Quadruped" kinetic sculpture at the Bay Area Maker Faire in May 2010.

SCHEMATIC: More videos and photos from Maker Faire 2010...

Mark Galt - Electric Motor Man

Atoms & Electrons - Apple IIe + Twitter

So this fellow bought an Apple IIe for $15 and rigged it up to turn twitter avatars and feeds into 8-bit artwork. Wicked!

Life-Sized Mousetrap

Remember that game mousetrap? How about a life-sized version for your backyard?

Purincess Labs - Deathwheel 3000dx

With a perverse sense of humor and penchant for fun, classmate Purin's Deathwheel 3000dx was a huge hit at Maker Faire.

Goligorsky Laboratory - Super Relax Concept Electric Research Vehicle (Tandem Bicycle)

David Goligorsky, Design's Oscar Wilde, developed this electric tandem as part of his graduate thesis project at Stanford's Design Program. Also shown is a road bike David designed and built, as well as "Hyper-Lincoln" whose red LED eyes signal out The Gettysburg Address in Morse code. This guys is off the chain. Sorry, bad joke.

Robot Rock du Jour: Justine and the Victorian Punks - Still You (1979)

This track treads a fine line between funky disco and satin-smooth pillow talk. This particular cut is actually experimental composer/saxophonist Peter Gordon's lovely re-arrangement of Battisti Lucio's early Italo track, Ancora Tu, with some lover's chat provided by pioneering NY-based designer/artist Colette.

SCHEMATIC: Battisti Lucio's Ancora Tu video and photos of Colette's work...

Battisti Lucio - Ancora Tu (1976)

Regardless of what on Earth this dude is running from, this video is unmistakably Italian.

Deadly Feminine Installation at Fiorucci (1978?)

Living Environment (1981)

Art on Stage at Danceteria (1983)

Robot Rock du Jour: Severed Heads - Lamborghini/Petrol (1982/1985)

I'm HOOKED! Now this is some real Aussie nerdness! Nearly five minutes of minimal synth industrial perfection from legendary Sydney band Severed Heads. Disgustingly rare in its original wax format.

Lamborghini (Live at Metro TV, July 1982)


SCHEMATIC: Recording details and a later concert version...

There is some confusion regarding the actual name of this track: Is it Lamborghini or Petrol? My hunch is that Lamborghini is actually an early version of Petrol. The earliest example of Lamborghini is off the 1982 French compilation Entrave et Étouffement, whereas Petrol doesn't show up until 1985 on a 7".

There is a cut of Lamborghini on a compilation CD called Can't Stop It! II (Australian Post-Punk 1979-84) that was published in 2007. This version, with female vocals is sort of a disappointment and the compilation is just OK, although that track from Centerfold is good, too. Might as well pick it up digitally because Severed Heads early recordings will cost you from $50 - $2,000!am (CD Version)

Lamborghini (Can't Stop It! II) feat. female vocals


Petrol (Live at Rock Arena, 1986)
