I am an experience designer and strategist 
fostering dialogue between technology and people.

Robot Rock du Jour: Ron Grainer & Delia Derbyshire - Dr. Who (1963)

While working with a group of nutters at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop in the 1960s, Derbyshire pioneered loop-based composition by manually recording and piecing together magnetic tape loops and rocking multiple reel-to-reel machines (see below). This brief clip of Derbyshire reel-to-reel beat matching is taken from the BBC Radiophonic Workshop documentary Alchemists of Sound, which can be viewed in its entirety on our Equipment + Theory playlist.

To give you an idea of just how progressive this dame was, this audio clip from the BBC archives reveals the makings of a dense, tasty electro track that predates Kraftwerk's Autobahn by at least four or five years.

Lastly, to demonstrate how all this theory and avant garde technical ability combine to create legendary music, I've  included the original Dr. Who TV intro which,  although composed by Ron Grainer, sounds so amazing because Derbyshire "realised" it.