This report was created as a term project for ME120: History and Philosophy of Design taught by Dr. Barry Katz at Stanford University. It examines Western consumer behavior through the lens of baby products by diving deep into the history of strollers and the social pressures surrounding them.
UPDATE: We sold the Bee on Craigslist and eventually bought (and later sold) the City Mini, which has the simplest collapsing mechanism on the market and is well built with a ton of features, but at 1/3 the price of the Bee. Today we use a $30 generic umbrella stroller that collapses into nothing. The Aprica Cadence, though nice, was too big and the Presto restraint buckle was clumsy.
In the end, choose a stroller based on how easy it is to perform simple, daily tasks. Fancy and expensive does not necessarily mean more intelligently designed or functional.